
Crimson Rise Resources

Our free booklets and exclusive webinars cover all things related to 11-14 year-olds: academics, extracurriculars, skills development, preparation for high school, and long-term preparation for successful admission into top universities worldwide.

Exclusive Episodes

Watch our exclusive video episodes, featuring speakers from all over the world: expert educators, admissions consultants, and high-performing students who have the best insights on how to develop your learning journey as a young student.

Watch now for kid-friendly insights on passion identification, high school preparation, career exploration, and understanding how to apply yourself during pre-high school years!

Crimson Rise webinars

Meet Some Of Our Expert Speakers

Speakers for our exclusive episodes come from all over the world. They include expert educators, admissions consultants, and high-performing students who have the best insights on how to develop your learning journey as a young student.

Crystal Espinosa
Crystal Espinosa

Crimson Rise Strategist

Crystal Espinosa has served as a Director of Academics and Admissions at a private Montessori school, bringing a wealth of knowledge from both traditional and nontraditional teaching systems to her work with Crimson Rise students.