Public vs Private Colleges: What's The Difference & Which Is Right For You?

03/17/2023•11 minute read
Public vs Private Colleges: What's The Difference & Which Is Right For You?

There are several types of universities in the United States that students can choose from. While the program of study is the most important choice, many students also get confused about whether to go with a public or private university. Here we help you compare public and private colleges by looking at the advantages and disadvantages of both.

What are public and private colleges?

Public Colleges

Public colleges are higher education institutions that are primarily funded by state governments. These colleges are often larger than private colleges, with larger student populations and more extensive resources.

They typically charge lower tuition fees than private colleges, and students who are residents of the state where the college is located may receive additional discounts on tuition fees.

Public colleges may also have a focus on research, particularly in fields that are relevant to the state's economy or social needs. Examples of public colleges include the University of California system, the State University of New York (SUNY), and the University of Michigan.

Private Colleges

Private colleges are higher education institutions that are primarily funded through tuition fees, donations, and endowments from private sources, such as individuals, foundations, and corporations.

Private colleges are often smaller than public colleges and universities, with smaller student populations and more personalized attention from faculty and staff. Private colleges may also have a higher tuition fee compared to public colleges, but they often have more generous financial aid packages available to students who qualify.

Examples of private colleges include Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

So, fundamentally, public and private colleges differ in their sources of funding, how they operate, and ultimately, the student life offered.

How to choose the right college type?

Your choice of college can have a sizable impact on future career prospects. Picking the right college will help ensure that you are able to fit in with the school environment and culture, priming you for a successful college life.

Different colleges may teach the same courses differently, hence being privy to the differences before coming to a decision is important. Besides, with student loans continuing to be an issue that plagues numerous graduates, it is also important to make financially sound decisions when picking a college.

Public vs. Private Universities
Public CollegesPrivate Colleges
Advantages- Lower Tuition Fees - Wide Range of Degree Programs - Diversity - Research Opportunities - Small Class Sizes - More Personalizd Attention - Resources and Facilities - Strong Alumni Networks
Disadvantages- Larger Class Size - Limited Resources - Difficulty Registering for Required Courses - Limited Interaction with Professors- Higher Tuition Fees - Limited Degree Programs - Less Diversity - Limited Research Opportunities

6 Key Differences Between Public and Private Universities

1. Tuition Fees and Scholarships

Public colleges are often more affordable. For the underprivileged, private colleges can be costly, and servicing a loan may mean being saddled in debt post-graduation. Public colleges are hence an affordable alternative, especially if scholarships or avenues of financial aid are unavailable.

For the resources and benefits that private colleges offer, they come at the notable tradeoff of higher tuition fees. Financial aid is offered rather generously, so research diligently if you are eligible and interested. For those who have to take on a loan, consider the long term prospects of paying it off, and make an informed decision.

According to College Board, for the 2022-2023 academic year, the average "net price" is approximately $32,800 at private colleges and $19,250 at public colleges.

2. Range of Degree Programs

Private universities typically offer fewer academic majors than public colleges when it comes to program options. With a larger intake, public colleges can offer more degree options. If you are still undecided on your area of study, a public university will offer more options.

Compared to public universities, private colleges on average tend to be more selective, with lower intake sizes. This also means that there are more limited degree programs available relative to public schools, which is something to note if your course of interest is not offered.

3. Class size

Public colleges tend to run larger class sizes, with lesser personal interaction between students and professors. Also due to the larger class sizes, you might not always get the classes of your choice.

With smaller enrolment, and hence class sizes, private colleges can offer a more intimate learning environment between students and professors, which can translate to more engaging classes. There is also more personalized attention and more opportunity for discourse of ideas and personal guidance from professors.

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4. Diversity

While the student demographic across colleges have become more representative, private schools are generally less diverse given their smaller numbers, and higher fees - that disproportionately attract those of a higher socioeconomic status. Public colleges on average tend to be more diverse due to higher acceptance rates and affordability.

5. Resources and Research Opportunities

Public colleges’ state funding allows them to offer a multitude of research facilities and labs. Hence, students intent on capitalising on their school’s resources to conduct research will often get more opportunities at public schools. Exceptions to this are private research universities like Cornell that have large research budgets.

In general, private colleges mostly pale in comparison, with fewer research facilities. However, private colleges tend to have access to more material resources than public schools as they are not limited by public funding. They are often better able to maintain and upgrade their resources as well. This includes equipment for extracurricular activities as well as other academic resources and technology. The caveat is that this often comes at a relatively higher tuition fee.

6. Alumni Networks

Due to the smaller numbers, private universities tend to have stronger alumni networks. Plus, with personal endowments at play, there are chances of you being able to network with a wider range of high net worth individuals. Take private universities like Harvard or Yale (especially the Ivies) for instance, which are known for their well-established alumni networks. This can be especially advantageous for careers that involve a great deal of networking post graduation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Public and Private Colleges

1. Cost

Cost is one crucial factor when deciding between the two types of colleges. One can consider the likely return on investment you would get out of college, treating tuition fees as the investment.

It is important to look out for exceptions to the norm - some courses in public universities may be costly as well.

2. Programs of Study

It can be incredibly helpful to gain clarity pertaining to your course of interest, so you can make an assessment as to which college can provide the resources and opportunities for fruitful study.

Weigh the strengths and drawbacks of both private and public colleges accordingly. If you are still on the fence prior to enrolment, do consider the wide array of degree choices often available in public colleges. Private research colleges that offer specialised study can be especially advantageous for those aware of their academic interests. That said, do balance this in consideration with the cost factor.

3. Campus Life

With smaller intakes and class sizes, the student community in private colleges may be, on this basis, more close-knit. That said, no two colleges are the same, and it can be extremely useful to visit public and private colleges during their Open Days to really get a feel of the differences between public and private colleges of your choice.

4. Location

Location - whether it is the proximity to where you stay, or your preferred location of study, can be another factor. For instance, you may be attracted to a college which is placed right in the heart of the developed city area - with internship opportunities aplenty at close proximity.

5. Career Goals

Being clear on your academic and career goals is helpful not just for picking a college, but for your student life. This can enable you to pick colleges which possess an unblemished and unparalleled reputation in certain fields - think Wharton’s business and MIT’s Engineering programs, etc.

Final Thoughts

In summary, public and private schools both offer a great selection of colleges that can cater to the different needs of different students. Public schools provide more research opportunities, but pale in comparison to private schools in terms of overall resources, student to teacher ratio, and specialised study.

Crucially, one should make judicious consideration of their financial situation prior to picking a college. It may help to make a list of the pros and cons, and rank them in order of priority to what you consider to be important in your college life.

Choosing between a public or private college is important insofar as it helps you identify the college that best prepares you for your future career plans and ambitions! Do some soul searching, involve your family in your discussions, and may you have a fulfilling college life awaiting you!

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