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Australian & UK Medical School Admissions Workshop

Dream about studying Medicine in the UK and Australia? Watch our webinar for a deep-dive into the world of UK & AU medical school admissions and plan your medical career path with our admissions experts.
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Journey to get accepted to medical schools in AU & UK!

Being a doctor is a dream of many Vietnamese students and families, however it is not easy, especially studying medicine overseas.

Watch our exclusive online webinar to gain critical insights to ace the admissions process and plan your medical career path with our admissions experts, and most importantly turn your aspirations into reality.

What we will cover?

  • A breakdown of medical school admissions requirements in the UK and Australia
  • Studying Medicine overseas, why you should consider both Australia and UK
  • Entrance exams: what you need to know and how to plan ahead
  • What you’ll need to secure an interview and how to crush your medical interview
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Meet the amazing speakers!

Register to watch our on-demand webinar

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