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Frequently Asked Questions: US vs. UK Admissions

All your questions answered by former Ivy League and Oxford admissions officers

FAQs: US & UK Admissions eBook

What's in this eBook

“Former Admissions Officers” are experts in University Advising who have real experience of examining university applications in the past.

In this eBook, two Former Admissions Officers Ben Schwartz and Hannah Rowberry answer all of your questions about:

  • The key differences in university admissions between the US and UK
  • The role of every part of the college application: grades, test scores, essays, extracurriculars, recommendations and interviews
  • Common mistakes and misconceptions that can decrease your odds of getting accepted
  • What stands out to admissions officers tasked with reviewing thousands of applications

Learn from the experts about what goes into a strong application that stands out, and start your journey to getting accepted to the Ivy League and Oxbridge.

FAQs: US & UK Admissions eBook

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