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VCE to GPA Calculator

Convert your VCE grades into a US GPA and find out what GPA you need to gain admission to Top US universities!

What the VCE to GPA converter does

The VCE to Grade Point Average (GPA) calculator converts your combined VCE study scores into a simplified 4.0 scale GPA format.

This allows you to achieve an overall view of where your academic candidacy stands in comparison to US students. More importantly it will show how competitive you are — or how competitive you can be with further study or tutoring support — in the top US college admissions process.

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What is the VCE?

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the highest educational award you can achieve at secondary school in Victoria and is generally completed over two years. Each subject consists of four semester-long units, and students usually study 20 to 24 units across Years 11 and 12, typically completing Units 1 and 2 in their first year, and Units 3 and 4 in their second year. Final marks for the VCE are determined through school-based and/or external assessments.

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What is the GPA?

US schools use a letter grading system, with a corresponding letter grade, for example an A or B or C. Your GPA, which is measured on a scale from 0 to 4.0, is the cumulative average of the grades in all of your subjects and is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted.

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How to use the VCE to GPA calculator

Using the calculator is simple! All you need to do is fill in all your VCE Unit 3/4 grades for each subject you studied.

Once you have received your converted VCE to GPA, you will be on the road to carving out your own journey towards top US college admission — the first step being maximising your academics to lift your overall candidacy.

But first things first! Click on the link below to start converting your VCE now!

VCE to GPA Calculator crimson education

Calculate your US GPA now!