98% Acceptance Rate To Your Top College Choices

Crimson Education is the #1 US college consulting company, helping students get into the Ivy League and Top 15 schools at up to 7x the average rate. Let our experts guide you to success.


Crimson records the best results of any US consulting company!

Congratulations to Crimson's Class of 2028, who have already received more than 281 acceptances to the Ivy League and 429 to the US Top 10 + Ivies. In short Crimson Education has achieved the highest results of any college admissions consultancy in the USA...and our amazing students are still reporting!

See our students’ success

Our Services

We go beyond test prep, essays, and activities. Our holistic approach helps you discover your passions, build leadership skills, and craft a compelling narrative that showcases your unique talents.

Admissions Strategy

Crimson students work with a dedicated Strategist to: build a school list tailored to their goals and strengths, strategically choose application deadlines, and ensure their application is tied together by a stand out cohesive theme.

Extracurricular and
Leadership Mentoring

Our Extracurricular Mentors help students build a robust extracurricular profile, including a Leadership (Capstone) Project that serves as the most important and impactful item on their Activities List.

Essay Writing

From ideation and outlining, through multiple rounds of revisions, to delivering polished final drafts, our Essay Mentors support students in crafting a personal essay, supplemental essays and short answer questions that shine.

Our Results Are Top-Of-The-Class!

No other consulting company has an average Ivy League and Stanford acceptance rate that is 675% higher than the general applicant rate.


98% of our students are admitted to at least one of their top 5 college choices.

Our Crimson students get into the Ivy league and other Top 15 colleges at over 6x the general applicant rate.

Non-Crimson Student
Top 15 Admissions Rate
34.5%Crimson Student
Top 15 Admissions rate
Our Results Table

US Crimson student acceptance rates into the Ivy League

Non-Crimson Students Admission Rates

US Crimson Students Admission Rates













Offers to

Yale University


Offers to

Columbia University


Offers to



Offers to

Brown University


Offers to

Dartmouth College


Offers to

Cornell University


Offers to

Stanford University


Offers to



Offers to

Duke University


Offers to



Offers to

Johns Hopkins University


Offers to



Offers to



Offers to



Offers to



Offers to



Offers to

University of Oxford


Offers to

University of Cambridge


Offers to

Imperial College London


Offers to

University College London


Offers to

King's College London

Meet Our College Counselors

Crimson’s admissions counselors include an impressive lineup of Former Admissions Officers from the Ivy League and several other Top 20 universities including Stanford, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern and more.

Our students benefit from the first-hand knowledge of admissions decision makers who have reviewed thousands of applications and understand exactly what sets a student apart from the highly qualified competition.

Before submitting their applications, Crimson students can receive 1:1 feedback from Former Admissions Officers from the very schools they’re aiming for, as well as committee-style reviews in which FAOs evaluate their application anonymously in the same way an admissions committee will do.


Who You’ll Work With

Every Crimson student works with a team of admissions experts who support them in elevating and assembling every aspect of their top college application.

Your Team

Read What Our Students And Parents Have to Say

Avery B.Accepted to
University of Pennsylvania


"I could never be happier that I chose Crimson, and I do not think that I could have made it to where I am today without all the help I received here. HUGE thank you to everyone who worked with me. I couldn’t do this without all of you.”

Pooja K.Accepted to
New York University


"Crimson has an organized structure to manage the college application process. The strategists assigned are very helpful and are experts in the field. If I were to do the process all over again, I would, without a doubt, choose to work with Crimson again."

Alex S.Accepted to
Cornell University


"I am happy my family and I chose Crimson. Their support to help you become the best applicant in a university's eyes and the overall passion their employees show in being just as committed to achieving your dreams are invaluable."

Ready to Start Your Journey to Your Dream University?

Fill out the form below and a Crimson representative will be in touch with you to book a free meeting with one of our expert advisors!

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Crimson Education offer for college admissions?

Crimson Education provides comprehensive college admissions support, including:

  • Personalized Roadmap: A tailored plan for academics, extracurriculars, and standardized tests.
  • Expert Guidance: Experienced advisors with expertise in the college application process.
  • Essay Development: Help crafting compelling essays that showcase your unique story.
  • Interview Preparation: Practice sessions to build confidence and effective communication skills.
  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Assistance: Guidance on navigating the complex world of financial aid.

What makes Crimson Education different from other college consulting services?

Our results speak for themselves: 98% of our students are admitted to at least one of their top 5 college choices, and our students get into the Ivy League and other Top 15 colleges at over 6x the general applicant rate. We have a proven track record of success and a team of experts dedicated to helping students achieve their goals.

  • Global Network: Crimson Education has a vast network of advisors and alumni from top universities worldwide.
  • Data-Driven Approach: We use data and analytics to provide personalized insights and recommendations.
  • Holistic Support: We focus on developing well-rounded individuals, not just high test scores.
  • Proven Results: Our students are 4x more likely to gain acceptance to Ivy League and top-tier universities.

Who are Crimson Education's counselors?

Our college counselors are former admissions officers, graduates from prestigious universities, and subject matter experts passionate about helping students achieve their college dreams. 

You'll have a dedicated team of experts, including a personal Strategist to oversee your entire application process, an Essay Mentor to help you craft compelling essays, a Former Admissions Officer to provide insider tips, an Extracurricular and Leadership Mentor to guide you in building a stand-out profile, and a Student Success Manager to coordinate your entire journey.

How much does Crimson Education cost?

We offer various packages tailored to different needs and budgets. Contact us for a personalized consultation and pricing details.

What is Crimson Education's success rate?

Our students have a significantly higher acceptance rate to top universities compared to the national average. We're proud of our track record of helping students achieve their college goals.

When should I start working with Crimson Education?

The earlier, the better! We can help you build a strategic plan early on and guide you through every step of the process. However, we also work with students in their junior and senior years to maximize their chances of admission.

Does Crimson Education guarantee admission to a specific college?

While we can't guarantee admission, our proven strategies and expert guidance significantly increase your chances of acceptance to your dream schools. Our goal is to help you put your best foot forward and present the strongest possible application.

How do I get started with Crimson Education?

Schedule a free consultation with one of our academic advisors to discuss your goals and learn how we can help you achieve them.

Is Crimson Education only for high-achieving students?

No, we work with students of all academic levels and backgrounds. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to attend their dream college, and we're dedicated to helping students reach their full potential.

Does Crimson Education offer scholarships?

While we don't offer scholarships directly, we help students identify and apply for scholarships that align with their profile and increase their chances of receiving financial aid.

How can I contact Crimson Education?

You can visit our website, call us, or send an email to schedule a free consultation or ask any questions you may have.

We hope this FAQ page has been helpful. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve your college dreams!